1. Goal 4
  2. Step B

Add Your New Passwords

Put your password manager to use.

By Chris Cantey


Move your first passwords to the vault

You've got this nice new empty vault. What do you do with it? Let's start by moving in all the passwords you've created along the way with this process. If you've followed along in order, those should be:

Using any of the Bitwarden tools we discussed in the previous page (the web vault, desktop apps, mobile apps, or browser extension), log in to your vault and add a new item.

Take a look at Bitwarden's easy, helpful guides to create your first vault item:

Repeat this step with all the passwords you've been storing on the card or paper. Once all five of your new passwords are in the vault, move on to the next step.

Your Bitwarden “master password” should not go inside your Bitwarden Vault.

Check your passwords on another device or app

To be sure that you successfully moved your passwords into the vault, try accessing your vault on another app or device.

For example, if you used the web vault to add all of your passwords, try using your mobile app or browser extension to view them.

Bitwarden should automatically sync passwords between the different devices and apps. In some cases, though, it could take a few minutes or have trouble. Take a look at their help page about vault syncing if you don't see your passwords within a few minutes.

Using your vault to log in to a site

When you browse to a website that you have a login stored for in Bitwarden, the browser extension should show you a small indicator to let you know that it can auto-fill your username and password for you. “Auto-fill” is what Bitwarden calls it when the username and password is automatically filled after you click the account you want to log in to.

This shouldn't be confused with “Auto-fill On Page Load” which will automatically fill your credentials without your intervention. This is a setting you can enable in Bitwarden, but I recommend that you keep this disabled for extra security.

Follow along with the appropriate guide below to learn how to use your stored passwords from your preferred apps or devices:

At this point, you can probably shred or otherwise destroy your temporary password paper. Just be sure to hang on to your Bitwarden “master password” (either in your memory or a different card or paper).

Moving from another password manager or browser

If you've been using another password manager and would like to move all of your logins to your new Bitwarden vault, good news: it's usually pretty quick and simple. This includes most web browsers.

Take a look at Bitwarden's helpful Import Guides.

Disable and clear browser stored passwords

If you've been storing passwords in your browser, get them moved over to Bitwarden and cleaned out of the browser (see above).

If you've just been clicking “No” on the popups where your browser asks to store passwords, this step is for you, too. Let's get all of that disabled.

Take a look at Bitwarden's guide on Disabling a Browser's Built-in Password Manager.

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